Benefit Concerts
“For me, service and giving back is an integral part of life.
Music is love in action.....”
- Jeralyn Glass
Highlights of the 2014 season included singing the National Anthem to a crowd of 18,000 at Staples Center, Los Angeles, and singing her personalized rendition of "You're the Top" to Kareem Abdul Jabar at a sold out Gala to benefit Toberman House, Los Angeles.
Jeralyn Glass performs the "Star Spangled Banner" to kick off the Lakers game on February 19, 2014.
Jeralyn is passionate about charities which support children. In the 2014 season, she sang a benefit concert for the victims of the Philippines typhoon with other musicians, raising thousands of dollars for relief. She sings regular benefit concerts in America. In November 2016, her concert “I could have danced all night, but I chose to sing” raised $10,000 for Trinity Kids Care Hospice and for the Cancer Support Community Children’s programs in Los Angeles.
Jeralyn was proud and honored to perform as the keynote musician and teach workshops at the 40th Annual Compassionate Friends National Conference in Orlando, Florida in July 2017. She sang excerpts from the album, Forever Love and played Crystal Bowls to comfort and ease the grief of over 1,200 bereaved attendees. Listen to the closing song Forever Young. You can hear the complete presentation here.
In 2015 she performed for Kobe and Vanessa Bryant at a Gala at Terranea, Palos Verdes, CA to benefit Toberman House. She sang a personalized rendition of "Too Marvelous" and "You do something to me.”
Dylan with Kobe Bryant. Hard to believe both of them are together in another space and time now.
Since 2015, Jeralyn gifts her popular Crystal Bowl Meditations monthly for the Cancer Support Community in Redondo Beach, and has created a program with graduates of her Trainings continuing these offerings..
Jeralyn has created a number of fundraising concerts for the LA Philharmonic. She and her students offer their services additionally for Hospice and Veterans Organizations.
In 2017, Jeralyn opened the First Tuesday Epic Day for various locally based charities in Beverly Hills with Dr. Sue Morter, John Gray, Kyle Cease and Seane Corn playing her crystal alchemy singing bowls in an invocation with Donna DeLory.
Cambodia Sings!
Cambodia Sings is a non-profit organization that offers community singing to young Cambodian students. Jeralyn has been working with the students, training their singing teachers and teaching the students her Whole Person Awareness Technique of healthy vocalism.
If you are interested in donating or would like more information, please click the button bellow.